In 2006, the world of vineyards and wine witnessed the emergence of a dynamic duo, Virginie Fabre and Guillaume Philip, whose love story would intertwine with the birth of a new concept – "MiP" for Made in Provence. The couple's journey began in 1979 when Virginie's father cultivated a vineyard at the foot of Cézanne’s Mont Sainte-Victoire, in Puyloubier. With a passion for winemaking running in her veins, Virginie studied at the Montpellier wine school, where she not only gained a quality education but also met her future partner, Guillaume.
In 2005, armed with knowledge and love, the couple joined Virginie's father on his estate, creating the Made in Provence concept. Their innovative approach, along with tasteful packaging, targeted a young and trendy clientele. Their first rosé wine, a Côtes de Provence Sainte-Victoire, was a resounding success, setting the stage for a series of award-winning wines.
In 2007, Virginie and Guillaume acquired Domaine des Diables, marking a significant expansion of their winemaking venture. Their dedication and commitment were rewarded with numerous accolades, including eight consecutive years of the Award for Excellence in the Concours Général Agricole competition.
The arrival of their son Paul in 2010 added a new dimension to their lives, but the family seamlessly integrated him into their professional world. The Domaine des Diables' wines, such as Rose des Bois, MiP, and Hydropathe, have found enthusiastic audiences worldwide, from the USA to Asia.
Over a decade of love and success, Virginie and Guillaume, under the protective gaze of Sainte-Victoire mountain, continue to innovate. They constantly strive to enhance vine growth, optimize cellar work, and infuse creativity into each vintage's packaging. The story of Virginie and Guillaume is not a fairy tale; it's a journey written every day, a testament to their unwavering passion, dedication, and a love that continues to evolve in the heart of Provence.